Makyura the Destructor is a card that i see missing from so many Exodia lists for no reason as it lets you use Traps from your hand the duration of the turn it's sent to the GY, allowing for Reckless greed to be used as 3 more copies of Pot of Greed maximizing your +1 cards. The point of this Deck is to simply maximize how efficiently you can blow through your Deck, unlike with Exodia where you have to keep all your pieces in your hand, with Magical Explosion you cant activate it in the same turn anyways so just place it face-down, and use cards like card destruction to your hearts content, maximizing your speed at which you FTK

I decided that Exodia wasnt good enough, I was going to build a Burn deck but not just any burn deck, a Magical Explosion FTK burn deck. However as time went on I found Exodia to not only be less reliable but just annoying, having to sit around for the 10 second Exodia cutscene every single time was just boring and made me slowly loathe the deck, not to mention the concept of playing 5 dead cards in your Deck (the Exoida parts themselves) I've been playing this for quite some time and like most new players to farm DP i began with Exodia because its super easy to get a semi-competent exodia ftk deck once you unlock the Rare Hunter in the Yugioh Campaign.